Harrogate Home & Gift Show

Come and see us at the Harrogate Home and Gift show on the 16th-19th July!
We're well into the Spring/Summer '17 Season now, and it's time to get back on the road!
We adore exhibiting around the country because it's an excellent opportunity to meet with our wonderful customers and get feedback about our latest lines, fresh from Italy. We're more excited this year than ever; showcasing our hottest range to date has been inspiring and overwhelmingly positive so far in 2017, and we just can't wait to see you all again to show you what we're made of!
The Harrogate Home and Gift show is is a buyer's show that has been one of the best in the UK for 55 years. Based in the Harrogate Convention Centre in Yorkshire, the show is known for it's relaxed, easygoing atmosphere and the fact that it's consistently on the cutting edge of fashion and homewares.
Register today to take advantage of this great opportunity to come and see what's at the forefront of the British Highstreet Fashion trends, and catch and exclusive sneak peek at the latest lines and styles to get you ahead of the market!